many ppl thk tat i'm always mama's good boy..
maybe i am..coz my mum is very strict to me..
from my hair, friends, till outing..everything is under her control..
i noe maybe it's a way for her to show her concern..but it's too over d...
lack of communication is the major problem i thk...
as time goes by...there r many secret among my family members...
dun u feel it's too weird to hv such family??
i mean..wat kind of family is this...
a family that the son cant share their interest v the mother..
their cant agree with each other in most topic...
i'm wondering y parents always thk tat they are rite...
jz bcoz they are older than us??
y cant they accept our opinion??
when they dun wanna listen to us...there's always generation gaps..
when there's generation gaps..problems appear...like me..
i hv a fren..he's very nice..and he got a wonderful family..which i always hope for..
his mum is very friendly..his parents can communicate well with their children..
they can share their feelings and thought...
i understand maybe sumtimes they'll hv arguments..but tat is unavoidable...
unlike mine..war that never end..
honestly..i hope i'm part of their family..
everytime i came bac from their home..it's like the end of sweet dreams for me..
ppl used to said..there's no place better than own home..
but for me..there's always a place tat is better than own home..
when can i get my own life..the life i always dream for...
i'm sick of following her instruction..
wat for be a good boy...i hate my life..
i wanna do wat i feel to do..
i wanna go where i feel to go..
i wanna talk whenever i feel to talk..
tell me when this day will cum...