In the eyes of some people, papercraft is simply folding and gluing papers that you've printed from a free template, which doesn't require much effort. Some even think it's childish.
What I can say is that papercraft is not limited to Origami, it can be a serious hobby that create stunning result. Try it before you say anything, you'll find that it's not as simple as you think and it does require patient and concentration.
This is my very first papercraft. |
Unlike Origami, papercraft involves cutting out the template from papers and gluing each pieces back together, creating a 3D model. It can be very simple, yet it can be very detailed.
Start from the simple basic one, I'm currently customizing my own stuff from some existing templates, creating some enhancement.
The tools for papercraft is simple and affordable. I use normal paper glue, thick paper stock, a tweezer, toothpick to apply glue and a penknife.
There's a lot of free templates on the net, jz google it and you'll find almost anything in papercraft.
A photobox from Creative Park, which I resize it to fix in my instax film.
I think it looks nice without the ears..haha... |
This is my first movable papercraft.